

点击订阅👉 飞仕伯乐Fishburners 2024-04-15




对于 Fishburners 大家庭来说,每周五晚的 Pitch Night 都是见证创新生态历史的重要时刻。每家初创公司将会在精华浓缩的3分钟内进行最有力的介绍,告诉投资者们“why us”,“how”,以及最重要的“如何盈利”。就在5月6日,我们见证了一批具有雄心壮志和十足潜力的新一代初创企业。

Every Friday Pitch Night is an important time to witness the history of the innovation ecosystem in Fishburners. Each startup is presented in 3 minutes, telling investors "why us", "how", and most importantly, "how to make a profit". On May 6, we witnessed a new generation of ambitious and promising startups.

受悉尼总部邀请,飞仕伯乐中国CEO Michael Wang 出席并担任本次路演之夜的评委嘉宾,与行业内专家、创业创新项目代表进行深度交流探讨。我们总结了5家指数级成长的创业项目,让我们来一同观看他们所展示出的经济增长新浪潮。

Invited by the Sydney Hub, Michael Wang, CEO of Fishburners China, attended and had an in-depth discussion with industry experts and representatives of entrepreneurial and innovative projects. We summarized 5 exponentially growing startups, let's watch the new wave of economic growth.

Touch Stone

Touchstone 致力于为受到精神疾病影响的患者提供了一系列以人为本的创新服务。Touchstone的愿景是希望所有生活受到精神疾病困扰的人都可以获得有效的治疗以及优质的住房,支持性服务以及包容和欢迎的社区而蓬勃发展。

Touchstone Mental Health provides an array of innovative person-centered services for people whose lives are affected by mental illnesses.All people whose lives are affected by mental illness flourish with access to effective treatment, quality housing, supportive services, and communities that are inclusive and welcoming.

优点:Touchstone 鼓励每个人定义自己的人生,并帮助他们实现人生的目标,帮助患有精神疾病的人在他们的社区中过上充实的生活。

Advantages: Touchstone encourage each person to define their life goals— physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, vocational and interpersonal—and we provide the tools so people achieve them. Our approach assists people with a mental illness in leading full lives in their community.



You want to meet new people. So do the people we match you with. No matter the reason, we line you up with others who share the same values and interests that you do. Meeting up is less scary when you have something to talk about.


loadin.com 是一个致力于将全球活动产业与艺术家结合在一起的、创新的沟通工具。它专为节日发起人、制作经理、艺术家联络人而构建。loadin.com帮助客户进行活动全周期的管理以及与艺术家和管理团队的联系。

loadin.com is an innovative, centralised communication tool built for festival promoters, production managers, artist liaisons, tour managers and artists.Allowing you to manage relationships with your artists and management teams pre, during and post event while keeping all essential tour info in one place。


Advantages: loadin.com is your front row ticket to simplified festival management.


Vpply是一个Web应用程序,它帮助候选人通过视频配置(短视频)文件从而申请工作。该技术的概念来自解决招聘过程中缺乏人际关系的问题 - 求职。找工作是具有挑战性的,Vpply可以帮助求职者给雇主留下有影响力的第一印象。

Vpply is different from a traditional job board. To Vpply for a job please create a profile and upload a 60 sec - 90 sec video. You can also record live on your desktop or mobile if you like to be spontaneous!


Advantages: This is a great opportunity to showcase your strengths, passions and personality to potential employers without the need of a CV and cover letter.


有许多时刻,跨学科研究人员组成的远程团队需要一个更好的方式来共同搜索和合作。LITVIEW 是通过人工智能驱动的研究助手,用于桥接知识体系。你可以通过关键字的搜索,提取到你想要的文献,LITVIEW 还会以可视化、有组织的形式呈现出来。

Remote teams of interdisciplinary researchers need a better way to search together and collaborate. An AI-powered research assistant for bridging bodies of knowledge. An organized visualization of literature pulled from several parallel keyword searches.


Advantages: Build your knowledge horizon An AI-powered research assistant for bridging bodies of knowledge.



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